Title: Towards Collaborative Design Pattern Language to Develop an Open Source Collaborative Design Model .
Author : Moshira Hassan Karmouse
Collection :Ph.D. Architecture
The world is confronted at the beginning of the 21 st century with a paradigm shift. On one hand, the world witnesses the culture of globalization. On the other hand, the supremacy of the scientific mind has created a highly sophisticated technological environment. Moreover, the world witnesses a growing global concern for ecological problems, for human rights, and for redefining democratic values.
This paradigm shift reflects on the man-made environments and the process of design. The complexity of design context of the built environment in addition to the growing concerns of customization that reflects the growing concerns for human right and democratic values, suggest a methodological approach to architecture and urban design. This method highlights the need for storing and exchanging design intelligence in addition to encouraging people to participate into the design process from its early stages.
This paradigm shift is coupled with a rapid progress in communication systems. The emerging communication technologies is reshaping the world by redefining the way people communicate and accordingly reshape social relationships and result into new social-civil body where people are interconnected.
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