Title: Secure AD HOC on Demand Distance Vector SAODV
Author : Ahmed Anwar Abd El-Hamid El-Shabasy
Collection : M.Sc. Electric
Recently, many wireless connectivity standards and technologies are widely used to connect a wide range of computing and telecommunications devices easily and simply.
The Ad Hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes (or routers) dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Providing the appropriate path to deliver data from source to destination is one of the main challenges in the Ad Hoc networks. The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) reactive routing protocol is used to discover the path on-demand and maintain it until the route is not required. Since the studies prove that AODV is not secure, the secure AODV (SAODV) protocol is introduced to provide authentication and integrity on the path-discovery messages.
This report gives an overview of wireless technologies and studies the Ad Hocnetworks and its issues. It also studies the different kinds of routing protocols and focuses on the AODV routing protocol and its security version SAODV routing protocol. The OPNET Software is used to implement the network using AODV protocol.
A comparison between the AODV and the SAODV is discussed. The results show that the SAODV gives better performance than AODV in the presence of malicious nodes. However the SAODV is also vulnerable to some attacks and has some secure limitations.
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