Title: Delay Causes of Road Constuction
Projects in Egypt
Author: Asmaa Ali Abd El-Hakam Ali
Collection: M.Eng. Structural
delays are a common Phenomenon in civil engineering projects in Egypt including
road projects. Therefore, it is essential to study and analyze causes of
construction delays. This report studied a list of construction delay causes gathered
from literature having different types of construction, different countries,
different periods and different numbers of delay causes and delay groups. A
questionnaire and personal interviews have formed the basis of this report
listing 293 delay causes. The questionnaire survey was distributed to 500
construction participants who represent consultants, contractor’s and
site/design engineer’s excluding the owner representing the government in road
projects as one party only. A number of 389 questionnaires were received and
186 responds were Suitable for analysis. , Relative Importance Index (RII) is
calculated and according to the highest values the top twenty and the least
twenty delay causes of construction projects in Egypt are determined. A case study
is analyzed and compared to the most important delay causes in the report. The
test results reveal good correlation of causes and groups between contractor’s
and site/design engineer’s and between consultants and site design engineers
and a somewhat low correlation between contractors and consultants. So a clear
answer for the question”Are there certain delay causes that could be avoided to
complete road projects without having time overruns affecting construction
industry in Egypt?” was, that Causes and groups causing delays are country,
location and project specific and there are no root causes that can be taking
for granted to be the most effective or the least effective delay causes.
Keywords: Delay causes, Delay groups, Road Construction Projects,
Questionnaire, Consultants, Site/design Engineers, contractors, Relative
Importance Index (RII), Egypt
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