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الثلاثاء، 5 أغسطس 2014

Corrosion Inhibition Steel in Chloride and Sulfate Solutions

Author        : Amr Ahmed Abd El-Fatah Mohamed El-Sayed             
Degree        : M.Sc. Chemical

Title: Corrosion Inhibition Steel in Chloride and Sulfate Solutions

This work studies the design of a new corrosion inhibitor mixture for carbon steel in aggressive environment containing chloride and sulfate ions and delivers a corrosion inhibition of 99.33. The use of molybdate -nitrite corrosion inhibitor with the addition of low amount of dichromate gave good inhibition for carbon steel in solutions containing up to 1000,2000 ppm (wt) of Nael and ~)2S04 respectively. The inhibition effect of molybdate-nitrite corrosion inhibitor was improved by increasing the stability of the protective layer formed over the steel surface as chromate and dichromate ions give more effective passive layers. The Egyptian environmental law N4 yearl994 accepts the chromate hexavalent ion concentration up to Ippm (wt) in industrial waste water. the required dichromate ion concentration meets the Egyptian environmental law constraints. This work studies the corrosion in chloride sulfate systems at pH=5 and the effect of the three components corrosion inhibitor on reducing the corrosion rate. It also shows the effect of environmental parameters on the inhibition effect.

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