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الثلاثاء، 5 أغسطس 2014

Nano Architecture’s Role to Mitigate the Global Warmin

Author        : Doaa Rasheed Abd El-Wakeel Gaber
Degree        : M.Sc. Architecture
Title: Nano Architecture’s Role to Mitigate the Global Warmin 
The previous gathered information and studies , were presented and examined to cover all the aspects of the addressed problem throughout this master thesis which is ”NanoArchitecture’s role to mitigate the Global warming”. It defines the Nanoarchitecture and the terms related to it and its important role to mitigate the globalwarmiing crisis, through innovations of nanomaterials used in the new generation of architecture named as nanoarchitecture ,decreasing the bad contributions of the current architecture and construction sectors towards the environment and the climate. After addressing the global warming problem, its main causes, and its negatives impacts on the environmental level and studying the solutions that nanomaterials offer in the field of Architecture, construction and renewable energy, nanoarchitecture’s role and its innovations seems to be the perfect solution in decreasing the global warming problem and sustaining the climate through providing practical solutions, and modem technologies in the present time, and in the near future, it contribute significantly in minimizing the damages, creating new clean, carbon free, and healthy environment. Also some projections of this new trend in architecture were assumed concerning the local architecture and the results were promising. The aim of the thesis was finally achieved at the end of the thesis. This summary reviews all the findings carried out through the stages of the thesis and the following points are worth mentioning: The Maior contributor to globalwarming:
The main reasons of Global warming is Green house gases (GHG) , mainly the Carbon dioxide gas emissions .
The building sector contributes up to 30 of global annual green house gas emissions and consumes up to 40 of all energy. Given the massive growth in new construction in economies, in transition, and the inefficiencies of existing building stock worldwide, if nothing is done, greenhouse gas emissions from buildings will more than double in the next 20 years. Actions must be taken and a mitigation goal must be set to stop this crisis from getting worth. The main two axees in the process of mitigation are: Decreasing the energy consumptions and reducing the Carbondioxide emissions of the buildings’ and construction sectors . The reduction of carbondioxide emissions which is the major cause ofthe global warming is carried out in two ways directly and indirectly. •The direct reduction of C02 is carried out through involving nanomaterials in the built environment, these nanomaterials absorb the surrounding C02 emissions. •While the indirect reduction of C02 is through decreasing the energy consumed by the building through innovation solutions of nanocoatings, nanoinsulations, dynamic materials, nanoenhanced construction materials , efficient lighting , involving nanomodified photovoltaics and wind farms, that provide clean energy for operating the buildings.

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